Verb Tense Worksheets with Answers Class 6

Class 6 verb tense worksheets with answers provide comprehensive practice for understanding and applying verb tenses.

Contents show

Class 6 Verb Tense Practice Sheets with Answers aid in reinforcing grammar concepts and improving language skills effectively.

Students practice verb tense worksheets with answers by completing exercises, identifying tense forms, and applying them in sentences.

Sixth Grade Verb Tense Worksheets with Solutions typically include exercises on present, past, and future tenses along with their variations and usage rules.

The Verb tense worksheets with answers for Class 6 allow students to practice independently and self-assess their understanding of tense usage.

The purpose of this article on Answered Verb Tense Worksheets for Grade 6 is to enhance students’ grasp of verb tenses through structured practice, enabling them to apply and evaluate their understanding independently.

Verb Tense Activities for Class 6 with Answers

Engaging verb tense activities designed for sixth-grade students, complete with answers, offer comprehensive practice and reinforcement of tense concepts, enhancing language proficiency and grammatical understanding.

Verb Tense Worksheets 1:

A. Underline the ‘be’, ‘have’, and ‘do’ verbs in the following sentences.

(1) I was having such a lovely swim.

(2) The Ganges is a holy river.

(3) Do as I command.

(4) We have a nice garden.

(5) Poor Tuffy was shaken like a rat.

(6) I do the work daily.

(7) They are playing in the field.

(8) How do you feel?

(9) Swamiji fought for Indian women. He is a religious man.

(10) I have gone there.

(11) It was very hot yesterday.

(12) Milk is good for health.

(13) They are dancing on the stage.

(14) Have you seen the picture?

(15) Mother is cooking.

(16) We have eaten rice.

(17) There is a lighthouse.

(18) She has a woolen scarf.

(19) He must be dead by this time.

(20) It needs to be done.

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Verb Tense Worksheets 2:

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘be’ verbs choosing from the given brackets.

(21) She ……….. (am/is) working now.

(22) The door  ……….. (is/are) open.

(23) My brother  ……….. (is/am) a cameraman.

(24) We  ……….. (is/are) students.

(25) The scenery  ……….. (is/are) charming.

(26) He  ……….. (is/are) playing cricket.

(27) Trees  ……….. (am/ are) our friends.

(28) I  ……….. (am/is) well.

(29) I  ……….. (am/is) a hero.

(30) I  ……….. (am/ are) working now.

(31) Mira  ……….. (is/are) a nurse.

(32) She  ……….. (is/are) singing a song

(33) He  ……….. (is/am) a very good boy.

(34) Kunal and Mitra  ……….. (is/are) playing the guitar.

(35) Five hundred rupees  ……….. (is/are) much.

(36) Riya and Sohini ………..  (is/are) sisters.

(37) The boy  ……….. (is/are) going to school now.

(38) Many forests  ……….. (is/are) disappearing. 

(39) No news ……….. (is/are) good news.

(40) Curry and rice  ……….. (is/are) my favorite dish.

(41) The football match  ……….. (was/were) seen by me.

(42) A bunch of flowers  ……….. (was/were) kept in the vase.

(43)  Honesty  ……….. (is/was) the best policy.

(44)  Each of the students  ……….. (were/was) present in the class.

(45) A large sum of money  ……….. (was/were) stolen.

Verb Tense Worksheets 3:

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘have’ verbs choosing from the given brackets.

(46) The boy  ……….. (has/have) a toy car.

(47)  Moti and Mrinmay  ……….. (has/have) many toys.

(48) The girl  ……….. (has/have) a doll.

(49) Ishita and her brother  ……….. (has/have) gone to Dooars.

(50) The committee  ……….. (has/have) submitted its report.

(51) Rajat  ……….. (has/have) gone to the stadium.

(52) Three fourth of their property  ……….. (has/have) been sold.

(53) Mr Roy  ……….. (has/have) a pet dog.

(54) The girl  ……….. (has/have) a pretty face.

(55)  Farmers  ……….. (has/have) got good seeds from the Government.

(56)  The students accompanied by their teacher ………..  (has/have) gone on a picnic.

(57) She ………..  ………..  (has/have) written all the answers correctly.

(58) He  ……….. (have/has) a good dictionary.

(59)  Anil and Sheela ………..  (has/have) many books.

(60) Neel  ……….. (has/have) some books but other boys hardly  ……….. (has/have) any.

(61) He  ……….. (has/have) been given a lunch pack.

(62) I   ……….. (has/have) a book. The book  ……….. (has/have) 200 pages.

(63) People  ……….. (has/have) to obey the rule. 

(64) He and I ………..  (has/have) done it.

(65) The writer and the musician  ……….. (has/have) arrived.

(66)The manager and the cashier ………..  (have/has) done this.

(67) Soham  ……….. (had/have) done it.

(68) We  ……….. (had/have) a rose garden.

(69) The girl  ……….. (has/have) a purple hairclip.

(70) She  ……….. (have/had) a silk dress.

Verb Tense Worksheets 4:

D. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘have’, ‘has’ and ‘had’.

(71) I  ……….. in class VI.

(72)  Pratik  ……….. playing cricket in the field

(73) I  ……….. reading now.

(74) They  ……….. swimming in the river.

(75) Mita  ……….. dancing.

(76) I  ……….. a new dress. It   ……….. red in colour.

(77) Do you  ……….. a green pen?

(78) The sisters and brothers  ……….. running in the field.

(79) They  ……….. the sailors from that white ship.

(80)  There  ……….. only one goldfish in the bowl.

(81) She  ……….. a storybook.

(82) The pupil  ……….. absent in school yesterday.

(83)  The elephant  ……….. a long trunk.

(84)  They distributing  ……….. sweets among the poor students. 

(85) You  ……….. not at home yesterday.

(86) The rich ………..  not always happy.

(87) Each of the players  ……….. a bat.

(88) There  ……….. many trees.

(89) You  ……….. in the classroom.

(90) It  ……….. yellow in colour.

(91) The  ……….. earth round.

(92) Amal and Rohit  ……….. good at English.

(93) Plenty of mangoes and bananas  ……….. available in this season.

(94) Man  ……….. mortal.

(95) They  ……….. money.

(96) I  ……….. a pet dog who died last year.

(97)  Which of these places  ……….. you been to?

(98)  You, and I  ……….. friends.

(99) You  ……….. in the classroom. Your teacher  ……….. also there. The room  ……….. very big. It  ……….. large windows.

(100)  Last Saturday the weather  ……….. very cloudy. I ……….. late for school that day. It   ……….. a rainy day. The day  ……….. really nice.

(101) Rice and wheat ………..  the main food of the Indians.

(102) Forty kilometres ………..  a long distance. 

(103) I wish, I  ……….. a queen. 

(104)  Esha as well as her sister  ……….. taking part in the school sports.

(105) Ten rupees  ……….. necessary for this pen.

Verb Tense Worksheets 5:

E. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets.

(106)  ……….. (do) your work now.

(107) Usually, Sita  ……….. (do) her work well.

(108)  Rita  ……….. (do) not attend the class.

(109) “What  ……….. (do) your sister do ?” “She’s a dentist.”

(110) How much  ……….. (do) it cost to send a letter to Canada?

Verb Tense Worksheets 6:

F.  Change the forms of the following verbs.

Present FormPast FormPast Participle
111. Teach
112. Found
113. Built
114. Drew
115. Ask
116. Catch
117. Take
118. Read
119.  Wear
120. Forgive

Verb Tense Worksheets with Simple Present Tense

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

(121) My father  ……….. (read) the newspaper every morning.

(122) Ships  ……….. (sail) across the ocean.

(123) The sun ………..  (set) in the west.

(124) Mother  ……….. (do) her work silently.

(125) Lila  ……….. (speak) to her friends every day.

(126) We  ……….. (love) our country.

(127) My brother  ……….. (run) very fast.

128 She  ……….. (want) to be lawyer.

(129) The boy does not  ……….. (like) to play indoor games.

(130) They  ……….. (be) all mystified.

(131) Ram  ……….. (play) football daily.

(132) I  ……….. (play) the piano in the evening.

(133) Usually he  ……….. (wake) up before six in the morning.

(134) Sheela  ……….. (go) to school every day.

(135) The book  ……….. (be) valuable.

(136) The boy does not  ……….. (want) to read and write.

(137) The apples  ……….. (look) very fresh.

(138) We  ……….. (pray) at night.

(139) He  ……….. (wake) up at dawn daily and his friends (take) him to the field.

(140) Do not  ……….. (run) in the sun.

(141) Here  ……….. (came) Madhu, my friend.

(142) I  ……….. (like) to play in the mud.

(143) I  ……….. (help) the poor people.

(144) Time and tide  ……….. (wait) for none.

(145) He  ……….. (write) letters to his father every month. 

Verb Tense Worksheets with Simple Past Tense

H. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

(146) We  ……….. (watch) a cricket match yesterday.

(147) My father  ……….. (wash) his clothes last night.

(148) A neighbour ………..  (see) Bholenath last night.

(149) I  ……….. (hear) him sing.

(150) Last Saturday, he  ……….. (visit) the zoo.

(151) Father  ……….. (bring) me a pen.

(152)  ……….. (do) he go to the market?

(153) Yesterday he ………..  (go) to watch a film.

(154) The farmer and his wife  ……….. (live) in this village.

(155) I was  ……….. (scold) by my father.

(156) Have you  ……….. (send) the letter?

(157)The patient  ……….. (die) last week.

(158) Yesterday, I  ……….. (buy) a new dress.

(159) I  ……….. (lose) my watch yesterday.

(160)  ……….. (be) they upset with me?

(161) He  ……….. (be) presented with a toy.

(162) My father ………..  (go) to Kolkata last week.

(163) She  ……….. (meet) many people she had never seen before.

(164) I  ……….. (receive) your mail last week.

(165) The Principal  ……….. (give) me a prize.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Simple Future Tense

I. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in the brackets.

(166) I  ……….. (be) in class VI this year.

(167) My father  ……….. (come) tomorrow.

(168) Their flight  ……….. (land) at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

(169) I  ………..  (see) you tomorrow.

(170) My father  ……….. (read) the report tomorrow.

(171) I ………..  (do) this today.

(172) We thought she  ……….. (succeed).

(173) Sudipta  ……….. (be) a lawyer in future.

(174) I  ……….. (colour) it tomorrow.

(175) I  ……….. (be) thirteen next year.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Present Continuous Tense

J. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in the brackets.

(176) I  ……….. (write) an answer.

(177) They ………..  (go) to the playground. 

(178)  He  ……….. (bath) now.

(179) My father  ……….. (go) to Kolkata.

(180) The boys  ……….. (play) football in the field now.

(181) The child  ……….. (read) a storybook now.

(182) They  ……….. (distribute) blankets among the poor.

(183) We ………..  (drink) coffee.

(184) The sun ………..  (shine) brightly.

(185) What are they  ……….. (do) there?

(186) The boy ………..  (stand) on the bench.

(187) The girl  ……….. (bake) a cake.

(188) The child  ……….. (cry) now.

(189) The train ………..  (leave) the station now.

(190) The boy  ……….. (run) in the field.

(191) The farmer  ……….. (plough) the field.

(192) The girl  ……….. (dance) now.

(193) A swarm of bees  ……….. (fly) near.

(194) Mother  ……….. (prepare) a delicious dish.

(195) They ………..  (run) slowly.

(196) The old men ………..  (sit) under a tree.

(197) The man  ……….. (carry) a bag in his hand.

(198) Look! It  ……….. (rain).

(199) The dog ………..  (bark) in the street.

(200) The students  ……….. (listen) to their teacher. 

Verb Tense Worksheets with Past Continuous Tense

K. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in brackets.

(201) She  ……….. (walk) fast.

(202) They  ……….. (play) cricket yesterday.

(203) He ………..  (eat) rice.

(204) She  ……….. (speak) with her father last night.

(205) While I ………..  (walk) back home yesterday, someone snatched the bag from my hand and ran away.

(206) The soldiers  ……….. (fight) bravely in the battlefield.

(207) I  ……….. (study) last night.

(208) There, we  ……….. (stay) at a hotel.

(209) They  ………..  (watch) TV when I went there.

(210) Mother along with her daughters  ……….. (attend) the programme.

(211) Mother ………..  (cook) for us.

(212) He  ……….. (go) to school by bus. 

(213) The light went out when I ………..  (read) last evening.

(214) The cow  ……….. (eat) grass.

(215) You  ……….. (write) a letter then.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Future Continuous Tense

L. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in brackets. 

(216) Akash  ……….. (do) the work.

(217) I  ……….. (wait) for you.

(218) The doctor said the patient ………..  (recover) soon.

(219) They  ……….. (spend) next christmas in London.

(220) They  ……….. (play) in the afternoon.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Present Perfect Tense

M. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in brackets. 

(221) They  ……….. (write) all the answers.

(222) The boys  ……….. (eat) some bananas.

(223) I  ……….. (receive) your letter just now.

(224) My friend  ……….. (reach) home by now.

(225) you  ……….. (finish) your job?

(226) He  ……….. (do) his homework.

(227) you  ……….. (do) your makeup?

(228) Each of the girls  ……….. (arrive) in time.

(229) Yes, everybody  ……….. (reach) school.

(230) I  ……….. (buy) a storybook.

(231) I   ……….. (take) a cup of tea.

(232)  I ………..  (see) the film.

(233) Ratul  ……….. (borrow) my bicycle.

(234) I   ……….. (shut) all the windows.

(235) He  ……….. (cut) his finger.

(236) My father  ……….. (give) me a textbook.

(237) I  ……….. (do) well in the examination.

(238 Dhruba  ……….. (sell) his car.

(239) My grandmother  ……….. (tell) me this story.

(240) Who  ……….. (see) the wind? 

Verb Tense Worksheets with Past Perfect Tense

N. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs given in brackets. 

(241) He  ……….. (do) the work.

(242) She ………..  (take) coffee before.

(243) He ………..  (read) the book thoroughly.

(244) The committee  ……….. (advise) this.

(245) He already  ……….. (decide) it.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Present Perfect Continuous Tense

O. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs given in brackets. 

(246) It  ……….. (rain) since 10 o’ clock in the morning.

(247) He  ……….. (play) for three hours.

(248) The boy  ……….. (suffer) from fever since Friday.

(249) I  ……….. (sleep) for two hours.

(250) He  ……….. (work) for three hours.

Verb Tense Worksheets with Do as Directed

P. Change the following sentences as directed:

(251) They are coming here. (Turn into Future Indefinite)

(252) He learnt English. (Turn into Past Continuous)

(253) She reads in class six. (Turn into Present Continuous)

(254) She is going to Kolkata. (Turn into Past Indefinite)

(255) A boy is flying a kite. (Turn into Past Perfect)

(256) They are eating. (Turn into Present Perfect).

(257) They were running on the road. (Turn into Present Continuous)

(258) Gourav was saying prayers in the morning. (Turn into Simple Past)

(259) The milkman milks the cows. (Turn into Present Continuous)

(260) I ate some mangoes. (Turn into Future Indefinite)

(261) Tapan will go to the market. (Turn into Present Perfect)

(262) Suman made a kite. (Turn into Present Continuous)

(263) Father did not go to work. (Turn into Past Continuous)

(264) He eats rice. (Turn into Present Perfect)

(265) The girl sang a song. (Turn into Present Continuous)

Class 6 Verb Tense Answers Key 

Answers Key 1:

A. Underline the ‘Be’, ‘Have’ and ‘Do’ verbs in the following sentences:

1. was, having; 2. is; 3. Do: 4. have; 5. was; 6. do; 7. are; 8. do; 9. is; 10. have; 11. was; 12. is; 13. are: 14. Have: 15. is; 16. have; 17. is; 18. has; 19. be; 20. be, done.

Answers Key 2:

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘Be’ verbs choosing from the given brackets:

21. is; 22. is; 23. is; 24. are; 25. is; 26. is; 27. are; 28. am; 29. am; 30. am; 31. is; 32. is; 33. is; 34. are; 35. is; 36. are; 37. is; 38. are; 39. is; 40. is; 41. was; 42. was; 43. is; 44. was; 45. Was.

Answers Key 3:

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘Have’ verbs choosing from the given brackets:

46. has; 47. have; 48. has; 49. have; 50. has; 51. has; 52. has; 53. has; 54. has; 55. have; 56. have; 57. has; 58. has; 59. have; 60. has, have; 61. has; 62. have, has; 63. have; 64. have; 65. have; 66. have; 67. had; 68. have; 69. has; 70. Had.

Answers Key 4:

D. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘have’, ‘has’ and ‘had’:

71. am; 72. is; 73. am; 74. are; 75. is; 76. have, is; 77. have; 78. are; 79. are; 80. is; 81. has; 82. was; 83. has; 84. are; 85. were; 86. are; 87. has; 88. are; 89. were; 90. is; 91. is; 92. are; 93. are; 94. is; 95. have; 96. had; 97. have; 98. are; 99. are, is, is, has; 100. was, was, was, was; 101. is; 102. is; 103. were; 104. is; 105. Is.

Answers Key 5:

E. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets:

106. Do; 107. does; 108. did; 109. does; 110. does.

Answers Key 6:

F.  Change the forms of the following verbs.

Present FormPast FormPast Participle
111. TeachTaughtTaught
112. FindFoundFound
113. BuildBuiltBuilt
114. DrawDrewDrew
115. AskAskedAsked
116. CatchCaughtCaught
117. TakeTookTook
118. ReadReadRead
119.  WearWoreWorn
120. ForgiveForgaveForgiven

Answers Key 7:


G. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets: 

121. reads; 122. sail; 123. sets; 124. does; 125. speaks; 126. love; 127. runs; 128. wants; 129. like; 130. are; 131. plays; 132. play; 133. wakes; 134. goes; 135. is; 136. want; 137. look; 138. pray; 139. wakes, take; 140. run; 141. comes; 142. like; 143. help; 144. waits; 145. Writes.

Answers Key 8:


H. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given in the brackets :

146. watched; 147. washed; 148. saw; 149. heard; 150. visited; 151. brought; 152. Did; 153. went; 154. lived; 155. scolded; 156. sent; 157. died; 158. bought; 159. lost; 160. Were; 161. was; 162. went; 163. met; 164. received; 165. Gave.

Answers Key 9:


I. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in the brackets:

166. will be; 167. will come; 168. will land; 169. shall see; 170. will read; 171. shall do; 172. will succeed; 173. will be; 174. will colour; 175. shall be.

Answers Key 10:


J. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in the brackets:

176. am writing; 177. are going; 178. is bathing; 179. is going; 180. are playing; 181. is reading; 182. are distributing; 183. are drinking; 184. is shining; 185. doing; 186. is, standing; 187, is baking; 188. is crying; 189, is leaving; 190. is running; 191. is ploughing; 192. is dancing; 193. is flying; 194. is preparing;

195. are running; 196. are sitting; 197. is carrying; 198. is raining; 199. is barking; 200. are listening.

Answers Key 11:


K. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets :

201. was walking; 202. were playing; 203. was eating; 204. was speaking; 205. was walking; 206. were fighting; 207. was studying; 208. were staying; 209. were watching; 210. was attending; 211. was cooking; 212. was going; 213. was reading; 214. was eating; 215. were writing.

Answers Key 12:


L. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in brackets:

216. will be doing; 217. will be waiting; 218. will be recovering; 219. will be spending; 220. will be playing.

Answers Key 13:


M. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in the brackets :

221. have written; 222. have eaten; 223. have received; 224. has reached; 225. Have, finished; 226. has done; 227. Have, done; 228, has arrived; 229. has reached; 230. have bought; 231. have taken; 232. have seen; 233. has borrowed; 234. have shut; 235. has cut; 236. has given; 237. have done; 238. has sold; 239. has told; 240. has seen.

Answers Key 14:


N. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs given in the brackets :

241. had done; 242. had taken; 243. had read; 244. had advised; 245. had, decided.

Answers Key 15:


O. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs given in brackets :

246. has been raining; 247. has been playing; 248. has been suffering; 249. have been sleeping; 250. has been working.

Answers Key 16:

Do as Directed

P. Change the following sentences as directed:

251. They will come here. 

252. He was learning English. 

253. She is reading in class six. 

254. She went to Kolkata. 

255. A boy had flown a kite. 

256. They have eaten. 

257. They are running on the road. 

258. Gaurav said prayers in the morning. 

259. The milkman is milking the cows. 

260. I will eat some mangoes. 

261. Tapan has gone to the market. 

262. Suman is making a kite. 

263. Father was not going to work. 

264. He has eaten rice. 

265. The girl is singing a song.

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